The back of this index card size (3"x5") tract says:The Rosary Prayer- “Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
From “This is a prayer we can all say together with Her, the Mother of God. With the Hail Mary we invite Her to pray for us. Our Lady always grants our request. She joins Her prayer to ours. Therefore it becomes ever more useful, because what Mary asks She always receives, Jesus can never say no to whatever His Mother asks for.”
Friend, you need to understand, that praying the rosary, praying to Mary, praying to “saints” and anyone else, except to God, is idolatry. Dead people can’t hear your prayers, they don’t pray for you and won’t “pass along your prayers to God.” Mary does NOT get whatever she asks for and does not pray for you. Where does the Bible say she does? Mary was a sinner, who needed salvation, just like everyone else. What sins have you committed, that you need forgiveness for? Have you ever lied? Looked with lust? Been covetous? Stolen? Gotten drunk? Taken God’s name in vain? Have you prayed repetitious prayers (Matt. 6:7)? Attempted to talk to the dead? All of these are sins against a Holy God. The Bible says that God is angry with the wicked, everyday (Psalm 7:11)! The Bible says that God will send liars, drunkards, thieves, lustful people, covetous people, sorcerers (including those who talk to the dead), blasphemers, etc. to Hell forever (1 Cor. 6:9-10, Rev. 21:8). There is hope for you, though! It’s not in confessing to an earthly priest, but confessing to the Great High Priest-Jesus Christ (Hebrews 5:9), the Jesus of the Bible! Forgiveness is not in the mass, but in the literal body of Jesus, which was broken for you, and the literal blood of Jesus, which was poured out for you! You need to come out of the false religion of Roman Catholicism and get your beliefs from the Bible, not from the traditions of men. God desires for you to be saved, but you must Repent of your sins (forsake them totally) and Trust in the Jesus of the Bible! You will become “born again” the moment you do this. Then, read the Bible and obey it! Follow Jesus Christ, not ungodly men who will lead you astray. God will never lead you astray! Do you have questions? Need more info? Go to: