The back of this index card size (3"x5") tract says:
He is a Man who is very misrepresented and very misunderstood, in our day and age. Many people say that He is ONLY kind, accepting, forgiving and “nice”. Such people don’t know the man on the front of this card, even if they claim to. This man is none other than the LORD Jesus Christ! The illustration is “inspired” by two Bible passages: Revelation 19:11-21 & Isaiah 63:1-6. Most people know nothing of the wrath, anger and judgment of Jesus! Make no mistake, Jesus will “stomp out the grapes of wrath.” Jesus will send sinners to Hell, as a punishment for their lying, drunkenness, stealing, fornication, drug use, greed, homosexuality, lust, covetousness, selfishness, hatred, etc. (1 Cor. 6:9-10, Gal. 5:19-21). If you are one who is doing such things, you need to REPENT IMMEDIATELY! As a sinner, you are currently an ENEMY of God (1 John 2:15-17), but He offers you a “peace treaty” today! The terms of the treaty are your FULL SURRENDER & your COMPLETE ALLEGIANCE to Jesus Christ (James 1:21-22). Anything less than this, means that you will continue to have no peace with God. Holding onto any of your sins, means that you are still holding onto the “weapons of your warfare” and that you are still God’s enemy. The means of God offering this peace treaty to you, is the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through what Jesus did, you can have forgiveness of sins, deliverance from judgment and reconciliation to God (Romans 5:10). As one who used to be separated from God and who used to be an enemy of God, I plead with you to accept the terms of this peace treaty and begin your relationship with God, today. He does LOVE & CARE for you. That’s the very reason why He offers you this mercy, which you don’t deserve (Romans 5:6-8)! That’s the very reason why you are still alive today, even though you are currently His enemy!