The back of this index card size (3"x5") tract says:
Is there any hope left in this world? Pandemics, dangerous vaccines, riots, looting, violence, financial collapse, wars and rumors of wars, terrorism, food shortage, injustice, racism, human sex trafficking, and sexual perversion abounding...what is wrong with this world? IS THERE ANY HOPE? Where does one turn to during times like these? Can we turn to our governmental leaders? No, most of them have failed us miserably. The courts? Injustice and corruption abound! Our jobs? There usually isn’t much stability there either. Churches? Many of them have changed and/or closed down! Did you know that Jesus spoke about these things happening before His return to earth? Read Matthew 24:4-31 for more on many of the events and signs that will happen before His return! Jesus is the ONLY HOPE for this world. He’s not only the ONLY HOPE right now and in the future, but also for your eternity. Those who truly know Jesus and have a relationship with Him will have GREAT PEACE during these tumultuous times. This peace comes from having your sins forgiven, living a holy life with a clear conscience, knowing future events ahead of time (preparation) and being in an intimate relationship with the only one who can sustain you through it all - JESUS CHRIST. Those who love and follow Jesus will also get to experience what it’s like to live in His coming kingdom, where there will be no more pain, sorrow, suffering, tears and death - Revelation 21:4. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, laid down His life on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave. He now commands all men everywhere to REPENT, believe in Him and follow Him. Have you ever lied, stolen, been covetous, taken God’s name in vain, lusted after someone, been sexually immoral, gotten drunk, done drugs, etc.? Those are all sins in God’s eyes! Jesus is calling you to forsake all of those things. He wants you to believe in Him with childlike faith. He will change you from the inside out and make you new. He will give you eternal life as a free gift. He is your ONLY HOPE for now and eternity! Got questions? Need information? Go to: