The back of this index card size (3"x5") tract says:
It’s that time of the year again! You get to dress up like your favorite movie character, super hero, cartoon character, monster, etc. and party! You get to eat lots of candy and play tricks on people. You may even get a trick played on you! Do you know what one of the greatest tricks of all time is? Many people fall for it. It is the idea that you have all the time in the world to get right with God. The Bible says, “Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow” (Psalm 144:4). The fact is that you never know when you’re going to die. It could be tonight, it could be next week or it could be when you’re 75 years old. “Time flies” and that’s why it’s very important for you to get right with God NOW. Do you think that you’re a “good person” who God will just “let into Heaven”? Think again. The Bible says that liars, thieves, and covetous people will go to Hell. Of course, drunkards, lustful people, fornicators, homosexuals, murderers, etc. will go to Hell as well (Gal 5:19-21, 1 Cor 6:9-10, Rev 21:8). How many of those could you be called today? The bad news is that if you fall for one of the greatest tricks in the world and die in your sins, you will end up in Hell Forever, with no way to get out. The good news is that God wants to open your eyes, so you won’t be tricked. The truth is that you’re a sinner in need of a Savior. You are a rebel and a criminal in God’s eyes. You need to repent! You need to give up your sins and follow the Lord Jesus Christ! He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. For three years, He performed miracles, healed the sick, cast out demons, rebuked the wicked and called men to repentance. Then He laid down His life into the hands of sinful men who beat Him, mocked Him and crucified Him. He died, was buried and then rose again on the third day! Now He is in Heaven, but will return to this earth someday soon. On that day, it will be too late to repent. You may die before He returns, anyway! After all Jesus has done for you, don’t you think you should give your life to Him? He can save you from your sins and from Hell! He can transform you from being wicked to being holy. There isn’t one good reason to hold back your life from Jesus!